Interim Limerick

Occasionally I write poetry[1]. Anne, a friend of mine, complained that I hadn't written her a poem, but Vas got one just for going on holiday. (Which is a complete misreading of the circumstances surrounding that particular piece of verse. I seem to recall that when I worked for Anne, I wrote all my messages to her in blank verse, but fortunately all records of that have been swept away by the forgiving nature of time). Well, I've promised to write Anne a poem for her birthday; here's my progress report, in the form of a limerick:

There is a young lady named Anne
Who would like her poems on demand
She's a little upset
That I'm not finished yet
(Hey, I'm writing as fast as I can!)

On an unrelated note, but on a subject that came up the same evening as the poem thing was discussed, Jim and Anne may be interested to learn that this news story states that the Waffen-SS was indeed declared a criminal organisation.

[1] but I can give it up ANY TIME I WANT!


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