I Watch Films: The Last Witch Hunter

The Last Witch Hunter

Vin Diesel is a 13th century witch hunter with amazing hair and beard. When the witch queen unleashes the black plague on humanity they storm her lair and kill her, but not before cursing Vin Diesel with eternal life.

In the 21st century Vin Diesel, now characteristically bald and clean-shaven, polices the witch community on behalf of the Order of the Axe and the Cross. He stops witches from using powerful artefacts or casting spells on humans. When his priest-adviser Michael Caine is not-quite murdered by magic he teams up with a dream-stalking witch to search his own memories for the answers, which are apparently bound up in the moment he died and came back. After that things get a bit complicated.

This film is both fun and very silly. There is a fantastically detailed backstory and lore which is mostly unnecessary, behind every New York door is a cool or hideous magical set-piece, and Vin Diesel beats a lot of people up. It adds little to the genre(s) and is a perfectly acceptable example of the modern supernatural action film.

Watch This: For Vin Diesel fighting magic and stuff
Don’t Watch This: If this all sounds dull and stupid


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