21st Century Solutions To Me Being Lazy

Some time ago I put out a challenge as to what music you'd play if you were flying into a jungle on an American Special Forces helicopter (presumably in a film). I still need to write this up, and only Dave has got his taking part prize, but this is the 21st Century, so I've put all the songs nominated onto a Youtube Playlist. Some of them contain adult language[1] so you may need to be logged in to Youtube to see them. Note that there's eleven videos so it's over half an hour (Update: 37.25 plus loading times) if you're going to sit down and see them all.

Agree, disagree, have a better song of your own or can't believe some of the songs on it? Want to know why you haven't got a prize? Just bored? See the comment button below? That's what it's for.

[1] Curiously mostly one and two syllable words, but one striking four syllable adjective.


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