I Watch Films: Spider-Man: Far From Home

Spider-Man: Far From Home
This is good, in that it has the spider-man dealing with what the [SPOILERS FOR AVENGERS:ENDGAME] death of his mentor the iron-man means, it takes the spider-man on a tour of Europe and again has the spider-man cleaning up a mess left by the iron-man. It is less good taking the spider-man away from his natural environment, the city of new-york, again, and also in giving him an artificially-intelligent global-defence system designed by the iron-man because that always goes wrong. The iron-man was bad, everyone who wants a new iron-man should be ashamed.

There was a joke so good I fell off the sofa.

Watch This: See the spider-man save the day and also try to talk to a girl
Don’t Watch This: If you don’t care about the spider-man and even more don’t care about the legacy of the iron-man

Previously: I have reviewed the spider-man, including previous spider-films, and also the spider-verse.


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