I Watch Films: Men In Black: International

Men In Black: International

Never has Men in Black felt so James Bond, and this film shows you what Chris Hemsworth would be like as 007. The reckless playboy secret agent with mysterious pasts and contacts, maybe coasting a little on his reputation until he has to step up and go rogue to save the world.

I mean that’s it. There’s a few cool transforming sequences, especially as they pull more and more ludicrous shiny guns out of a car, a double cross, and the Eiffel Tower as the portal to another world, and they’re all fine. But do you like Chris Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson spending 90 minutes wandering the world trying to find out what’s going, meeting and fighting weird and sassy aliens? Your enjoyment of the film hinges on that.

Watch This: If you want to see Hemsworth and Thompson spending 90 minutes etc etc
Don’t Watch This: If you don’t want to see H and T spending 90 minutes etc.


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