I Watch Films: Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel

I could say too much here, or I could say too little. I’m going with a little.

Viers is an amnesiac Kree space warrior engaged in fighting the shapeshifting Skrull. As a result of her adventures she finds herself on C-85 – Earth circa 1995. She discovers she’s been lied to; she’s an Earth native, Carol Danvers test-pilot. There’s a huge fight.

So there are lies and attempts at control, and they don’t work. And theres a period of my adulthood being used for nostalgia which I guess makes me old. Also there's Monica Rambeau, so there’s hope yet for a Nextwave Film.

If this doesn’t make sense, I apologise but I didn’t write the long version of this.

Watch This: For a superhero film with a little bit to say about controlling power through lies
Don’t Watch This: If you want an actual exploration of impossible to detect shapeshifters, or super intelligent AIs and virtual space, or anything more than a slight touch of history of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

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