I Watch Films: Batman Returns

Batman Returns

This is a lot of fun. Michael Keaton’s Batman is not very good at being Batman, which is great. (Keaton does an excellent job as Bruce Wayne, the rich playboy who hides a mind like a steel trap underneath – when he can be bothered. His meeting with Max Shreck is excellent).

Hiding is perhaps the theme. Selina Kyle hides her smart mind behind the ditsy secretary look, and then it is unleashed wildly. (Kyle and Wayne are the only ones at the Max-carade (masquerade) ball without masks, though notably Max Shreck takes his off to talk to Wayne.) Shreck of course hides his plans to rip off everyone with his power-sucking plant (disguised as a power plant) with his philanthropist, self-made millionaire disguise. And the Penguin hides his plan to take revenge on everyone in Gotham behind... being a perv who eats fish?

More style than substance perhaps, but my, what style. And so many good lines, if you have a tolerance for cheese.

Watch This: For a fun extremely stylised superhero film
Don’t Watch This: If weirdness and jokes do not belong in the superhero game


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