I Read Books: The Scourge Of God

The Scourge of God

The quest from the previous book continues across the former United States. Various characters have visions, and meanwhile the supernatural powers behind the CUT cult come to the fore. The questers overwinter in a valley in the Rockies that was hosting a Buddhist convention when the Change came. There they learn some practical spiritual techniques and also a bit of fighting. They travel on across war-ravaged plains, pursued by CUT troops and manage to get past the hazards such as feral lions, buffalo stampedes and the neo-Sioux nation. Eventually they find themselves in the richest and most powerful state in the former US – the Provisional Republic of Iowa.

Meanwhile back in (former) Oregon, the war goes poorly. The forces of the Meeting of Corvallis try to pacify Pendleton but instead the CUT and the forces of Boise get there first, forcing them back, unleashing terrible powers against them.

Read This: Post apocalyptic fiction shades into fantasy is your jam
Don’t Read This: If visions and quests are not you bag


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