Preview for South Sea Pirates

Tomorrow, 1 June is the date the next story in my Age of Sail Fantasy series will be posted. What is it about? I'll tell you.

John Toris, now the proud commander of one of His Majesty’s sloops-of-war is sent to the Thousand Islands, the furthest flung of Whitland’s domains. On the far side of the world he’ll meet new friends, old acquaintances and a curse that makes the Ice Witch malediction he endures seem like a love-tap. With a thousand islands, finding a missing ship is like the proverbial needle in a haystack. But the Starling, seized by mutineers, is in these waters. John Toris has his orders – to capture, sink or burn the ship, the fate of all who would be...
South Sea Pirates

The previous stories in the series can be found indexed on my Patreon page, where you can also subscribe to support the project. 


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