I Watch Films: Ready Player One

Ready Player One

The online world is going to be inherited by the best (nerdiest) gamer. Unless the bad guy corporation and their swarms of employees get there first. In order to win, there are challenges (be a dumbass in a racing game*, snog a girl, know about an old and very famous Atari 2800 game, not sign the devil’s bargain). To understand them you have to be a big nerd about the life of the big nerd who invented the online world.

Anyway thanks to soulless megacorporations owning vast amounts of IP (in the real world), the film is jampacked with references to other (mostly better) films. Which is nice and all, though I can always go and watch those films I guess? A lot of fun, very slick, slightly childish adventure film.

Watch This: Because you want to see the Back To The Future DeLorean race Akira’s bike
Don’t Watch This: because you’ve seen plenty of stupid CGI action already

* I’ve played racing games and this would not have remained a secret for more than about two races. In a film about dumb contrivances this is the absolute dumbest.


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