I Watch Films: Scars Of Dracula

The Scars Of Dracula

The titular scars are on Klove (Patrick Troughton) the servant of Dracula (Christopher Lee); the count heats his sword in the fire until it is red hot then lays it on his back. Apart from the obvious horror and terror this creates, I don’t think this is good for the sword. Still, Dracula keeps returning from the dead, controls bats (very poor effects here), and can hypnotise people (not very effectively as he keeps having to punish Klove with a red-hot sword) so maybe sword maintenance is not top of his agenda.

Various people head for Dracula’s castle, there being nowhere to stay in the village (you’d hope the villagers would be more welcoming, or, after Dracula’s gruesome revenge after they burn down his castle in the prologue, have cleared off somewhere else). Dracula plays the good host up until it’s blood drinking time. His crypt is halfway down a cliff below the castle, with the only entrance being a window, making attempts to finish him off risky. Sadly Simon Carlson’s (Dennis Waterman) climbing scene was not much better than the bat effects.

The female lead spends the last half of the film in her nighty, and there are actually good plot reasons for that or at least "good" "plot" "reasons".

Watch This: For an undemanding Hammer Dracula film
Don’t Watch This: If Christopher Lee biting people doesn’t attract your attention


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