I Read Books: Lady Of The Barge

The Lady Of The Barge
This is a collection of stories by WW Jacobs, including his most famous one The Monkey’s Paw. If you’ve never read or heard of it, maybe you should? It’s the classic wish-with-unwanted-side-effects tale that tips over into horror.

Which is why the other stories come as a bit of a surprise, as they are mostly slight and humorous. There are a couple about incompetently rival suitors for lady’s hands, an entertaining tall tale about an escaped tiger and a slightly creepy one about eating in the dark and hospitality. The others I had to refer back to the text to remind myself, which I will leave as my recommendation.

Read This: Going back to the source of The Monkey’s Paw is worth your while, and some of the rest are entertaining enough.
Don’t Read This: A lot of Edwardian nonsense really
Out Of Copyright:  And available to read online


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