I Watch Films: Gemini Man

Gemini Man
Will Smith is an assassin for the US government who decides to retire, but they won’t let him and so send his most dangerous enemy after him – a CGI de-aged Will Smith. (He’s a clone [SPOILERS?]).

At one point they’re both on motorbikes, one has a red one and one a green one so you can tell them apart.

Some good action sequences, old Will Smith is pretty good, using his hard-won self-knowledge to attempt to connect with his clone. Young Will Smith has a tendency to look a bit blank, really they should have got actual Will Smith to film those scenes twenty years ago, he’d have been pretty good in that role.

Watch This: For lots of Will Smith and action setpieces
Don’t Watch This: Although it engages with the idea of the young Will Smith as a similar but different person (his creator is his father, while the old Will Smiths was brought up by a single mum) in the end the film is more interested in blowing people up for betrayal rather than asking why we need assassins and clones of assassins, especially working for a private military company (called Gemini, which might briefly mislead anyone who didn’t see an advert or trailer)


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