Preview for The Mystery of the Undistinguished Go-Karter

Lacey is hired to investigate a man’s disappearance. The client fears he may be dead, but Lacey has her doubts. The best clues lead her into the realm of go-kart circuits, only to uncover money laundering, organised crime and legal complications.

Lacey must find her way through these tangles, trying to find a man who may not exist and who definitely does not want to be found. As the evidence of crime mounts up Lacey finds herself at odds with the police. Worse still she has to deal with the unfortunate knots where her personal life meets her professional, juggling investigations with personal safety and even a brief involvement with the labyrinthine bureaucracy of the taxman...

The Mystery of the Undistinguished Go-Karter on 1 March on my Patreon.

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