I Read Books: Shadows In Bronze


Shadows In Bronze

After stopping a plot against the Emperor Vespasian Falco, an informer (detective) is now working for him. His task is to mop up the conspirators from The Silver Pigs, several of which have discreetly retired from Rome into the countryside of Southern Italy. Falco is dispatched to try and find them and deliver an ultimatum. Publicly submit to Vespasian and these rich nobles can find themselves doing pleasant jobs for the Empire. Or don’t and be crushed.

Falco finds himself at odds with Anacrities, the Chief Spy. Worse still, one of the plotters who had returned to submit to Vespasian is killed in a fire; everyone thinks Vespasian had him assassinated and goes into hiding. Falco suspects a man named Barnabus, the freedman of a conspirator who died in The Silver Pigs, who has been hiding out in Transtibernia and following him around. Complicating matters, this conspirator was the ex-husband of Helena, who Falco is in love with despite various problems.

Eventually Falco gets hold of the plot and uses a family holiday as cover to investigate around the Bay of Naples, trying to bring Barnabus to justice and prevent other conspirators from continuing their plots. Some highlights include nonsense with a ox, teen romance, extravagant feasts and going undercover as a plumber (double undercover?). Also Falco and Helena try to sort out their own lovelife in a confused manner.

Read This: For some charming skits about Ancient Rome
Don’t Read This: For a coherent case to solve


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