The Folklure Manifesto


The Folklure Manifesto

If a handsome stranger asks you to lie down where the grass grows green by the shore of the salt sea, then do so.

When your true love returns after a year and a day, and asks you to come away with them, right this moment, no time to eat or drink, or even find your shoes and cloak, then throw yourself into their arms.

The beautiful women in the sea, singing songs of unearthly beauty, you should dive in, swim to them, join them. The water’s lovely.

If a strange being asks your name, tell them. If an odd creature asks an impossible riddle just tell them you don’t know. If a hooded, shrouded figure asks for a kiss, give them one.

When someone comes with the gay gold ring you gave your sweetheart and a message to meet them at the gallows hill at midnight, you should definitely go.

The spooky abandoned house, the one the witch lived in, the one everyone avoids, that’s the place you should visit. Explore. Have a party. Maybe even move into when the mysterious owner asks for a caretaker.

If you see a man wearing a Stetson, you should definitely mess with him, and especially mess with his hat.

When your enemy invites you to a feast to make peace, and you cannot see a loved one, and they assure you they will be present, then start eating. Tuck into the delicious meat pie.

The peddler who passes by your isolated cottage or magnificent palace, invite them in. Admire the bright ribbons for your hair, the newly invented spinning wheel, the red slippers, the laces for your corset, the shiny new lamps, the juicy apple. Always accept a bargain, always make the trade, always take a free sample.

If you see a bull from the sea, an animal so magnificent it can only be sent by the gods, so glorious, so desirable… well make up your own mind.

When you see a wavering light in the mist at night, drawing you off the beaten track into the woods or the marsh, follow it.

There’s a red-headed stranger, with vulpine good looks, sitting alone at the tavern, or at the roadside, or by your doorstep. You should talk to them, drink with them, fall in with their plans. It will be exciting.

When you are a guest in a mansion of many rooms, and your host is called away, telling you to amuse yourself in any room you wish except this one, just one, that is always locked; go straight there, don’t even wait for them to leave, just open that door up.

Always trust a man whose eyebrows meet in the middle. Always eat a windfall apple. Always stray from the path.


Inspired by Avra Margariti, who is not responsible for the consequences of following this advice.


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