I Watch Films: Tangled

I’ve previously noted on this website that I am #TangledForLife. Having recently watched it again with my nephew perhaps I should explain what I mean.

Mother Gothel is a classic abusive parent and Rapunzel is a classic abused child who rebels. When she first leaves the tower her extreme mood swings between joy at freedom and intense guilt are something regularly observed amongst people who escape an abusive relationship.

When Will My life Begin is very clearly a song about depression.

And because Rapunzel can’t honestly claim her freedom and adulthood, she has to steal it, as she was stolen before. And because of this it has to be the thief Flynn Rider who can teach her to be herself.

Anyway, it’s a good fun adventure for the whole family. A couple of nice songs, the horse and an inspirational scene when Rapunzel goes to town and charms everybody that I for one keep wanting to re-write. Watch out for When The Princess Comes To Town, coming any decade now.

Watch This: For a kid-friendly Disney Rapunzel adventure
Don’t Watch This: If princesses charming animals and so on is not for you


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