I Read Books: Whipping Star

Whipping Star

A somewhat weird short novel by Frank Herbert (best known for writing Dune). In the Consentiency, a government of many strange aliens (and humans) Jorj X McKie is an agent of the Bureau of Sabotage, an organisation that exists to slow down excessive government activity. The Caleban, a race impossible to see and what can be seen all but impossible to describe, gifted jumpdoors, instant travel. Now they are vanishing, and every time this happens madness and chaos ensues.

The last Caleban is being whipped to death and McKie must stop it. Things get a bit strange after that. It’s a rich and interesting setting, sparely described and yet the story left me unsatisfied.

Read This: For an interesting if minor novel from a major SF author
Don’t Read This: If you want everything explained for you


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