I've been neglecting this blog for the usual reasons - preparing the kids for their exams[1], falling asleep, moving other people's furniture for them etc. And this last weekend I attended two 30th birthday parties. One turned into an engagement party[2], the other was very reminiscent on a teenage party, as one guest was in tears and (in an unrelated incident) the police got called.

But at the end of the week is half term, and I've got one or two posts that don't involve me talking to teenagers planned. Maybe I'll actually finish them! Until then, here's a joke overheard[5] on the Piccadilly line yesterday evening:

Q. Who is the leader of the tissues?
A. The hankie-chief

[1] First one today! I was surprisingly nervous for them. Not as nervous as they were though.
[2] For a variety of reasons I was not the right person to pass on the news to other people; no one would believe me unless they saw the ring itself[3] or got a sworn oath on the subject.
[3] It had an emerald the size of a hen's egg! I kid you not![4]
[4] Just kidding.
[5] I say overheard, but the Chelsea supporter in question fairly shouted it in an attempt to liven up the carriage.


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