I Watch Films: Ocean's 8

Ocean’s 8
This is a heist film and a good one. It uses the fact that there are a whole bunch of beautiful women on the cast to good effect by having them rob a big gala dinner filled with beautiful people. It is very into fashion and jewellery, but not so much as to be off-putting for people who aren’t into it; no more than, say, someone isn’t into casinos being turned off by a casino heist.

The poor parts are the first twist which is spoiled by the name of the film and the second twist which comes out of nowhere, or more specifically comes directly out of Ocean’s 11, 12 and/or 13, changing the nature of the conversation this film is having with those previous ones.

The revenge is good, James Corden’s insurance investigator is also good though as he does not appear until the last section and has to be introduced, work through what happened, have a sassy conversation and wrap things up the film has this sudden turn to being very interested in him. Oh hey, a funny British guy has turned up, let’s see what he’s up to? All those cool women? Just getting on with things I guess.

Not as slick or cleverly and completely put together as the previous films, though as they are all first-rate heist films that’s not as harsh a complaint as it sounds. The (slightly) smaller cast lets them all breath a little and have a bit of character moment and relationship. And this is as good as the prior films failed, and so the characters are more interesting than some of the (extremely) sketched in dudes.

Watch This: Because there are lots of murder films and many fewer robbery ones
Don’t Watch This: If sassy, good-looking wise-cracking women stealing millions of dollars of gems does nothing for you


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