I do some work for a charity and that means I read emails to it from a variety of sources offering various services. A recent newsletter from one organisation* offering courses and training discussed the circumstances around the President's Club dinner situation. One of the things they suggested was that vetting organisations you work with is a good idea and, of course, they would be able to offer advice on that.

The next email I've received from them begins "Dear {FIRST NAME}" and is about awards for charities in a sector that our charity is not involved in. I'm not impressed with the vetting on this.

[For what are, I hope, obvious reasons I'm not naming anyone here, but if you have a serious question or comment let me know.]

UPDATE: The first version of this had the curly brackets {} in the post title, which of course put them in the post URL, which broke the blog.

* Though I've not dug into to it they appear to be completely above the board as an organisation.


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