I Watch Films: Thomasine And Bushrod


Thomasine And Bushrod

Miss Thomasine is a black female bounty hunter in Texas in 1911, who is successful because she is able to take her targets unaware, posing as a servant or prostitute. After being belittled by a marshal she spots a poster for Bushrod, who is a former boyfriend. She tracks him down to discover he is taking revenge for the murder of his sister by a bank robber; the marshal arrives and she helps him, the two escaping together.

They go on a bank robbing spree of their own, and also steal an automobile. They dress in bright colours and styles, go on motorised reigns of terror. They give the money to poor communities, notably the Mexicans, Native Americans and black people, but also some white folks, and so the authorities never seem to catch up with them.

Itā€™s a blaxploitation version of Bonnie and Clyde so we know the marshal will catch up with them eventually.

Watch This: Some fun very early car chases, and a bit of lightly racially aware Western crime
Donā€™t Watch This: Despite the attempt at some gentler scenes, in the end itā€™s violence being met with violence


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