I Watch Films: The Creature With The Atom Brain


Creature With The Atom Brain

A gangster is murdered by a big guy who seems immune to bullets. When the police investigate they discover radioactive blood and fingerprints from a dead man. It’s a puzzle to them.

This is the work of a crime boss who was forced to leave the country when he was betrayed. Figuring this out the police try to protect the rest of the people who were involved in the prosecution but he’s working with a former Nazi scientist who raises men from the dead with atomic power then they control their minds remotely. The army puts Geiger counters on planes and cars to try and track them down.

It takes both organised crime and radiation relatively seriously, but this only serves to make the rest of it deeply silly.

Watch This: A fun crime film married to an even more fun monster film
Don’t Watch This: Remotely controlled atomic zombies and an alliance between a Nazi scientist and a gangster is just too much


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