I Read A Fictional Newspaper Of A Fictional Town: Bear Creek Gazette Issue 5

Bear Creek Gazette Issue 5

Bear Creek Gazette, the fictional newspaper of a fictional town, reaches issue 5, the alternate dimension issue. First up: thereā€™s a Grizzly Brook Review section of an even stranger version of the town, probably not for newcomers who havenā€™t seen whatā€™s going on in the regular dimension. Second up: nothing by me unlike Issue 4. That got out the way, hereā€™s a few highlights.

formaldehyde_angel by Eric LaRocca - a horror twitter story (or twitter horror story), a very effective version of this format, with suicide etc

Mise en ScĆØne by Jessica Anne Robinson about... maybe sex or not sex or Louis VII? I don't know. Take a look to see if you can figure it out.

Katy Naylor's Bear Creek Timeslip, an interactive fiction about how things might have been different if Cody had done things differently, maybe.

Adam Driver by Leslie Benigni, about cloning Adam Driver, and then finding out how Adam Driver feels about it

Boilermaker by Michael Carter, about making wishes and also putting a shot of whiskey in your beer. Some classic Monkeyā€™s Paw action. Is Monkeyā€™s Paw a cocktail? Iā€™m not doing a lot of research for this review.

Bear Creek Antiques by O F Cieri, a review of the antique shops in Bear Creek, which are a little quirkier and more gruesome than the ones in my town. Iā€™m pretty sure my local ones are in compliance with the Human Tissue Act (2004) unlike Bear Creek (which is in another jurisdiction).

Any lots of other stuff, some from the horrible, some from the sweet, some clear moments of emotion, some inexplicable ā€“ things?, lots of weird entries.

Read This: Bear Creek Gazette is full of wild and weird things, if you donā€™t like something thereā€™s plenty more thatā€™s different
Donā€™t Read This: Monsters and death donā€™t work for you


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