I Watch TV: Magnum PI

Magnum PI

Magnum PI seems to have found its niche. And probably just as well with covid and a short and intermittent season. They get a case, it turns out to be more serious or more complicated or weirder than they thought. Meanwhile Rick tries to run a bar and TC a helicopter tourist business. Every other episode or two the story, or the b-plot, gets into a veteranā€™s problems or a peculiarly Hawaiian situation.

The personal plot lines mostly move in circles. Higgins dates a doctor, freaks him out when she reveals her past as a spy, finally they get over it and head off for some Doctors Without Borders in Kenya for six months, nicely covering the gap until the (presumed) next season. Rick hires his crush, itā€™s a problem. Detective Katsumoto is trying to bond with his son (heā€™s divorced) but him being a cop is briefly a problem as the police arenā€™t cool any more.

I donā€™t want to undersell this ā€“ a charming cast, some interesting mysteries, problems that can be solved with detective work or punching, these are comforting things at the best of times. If it is predictable then itā€™s also welcoming! And in these timesā€¦ well you know.

(Sometimes they act less like a private investigator and his pals and more like a heavily armed mercenary force, and I guess that's just what happens when you have a stunt team and guns).

Watch This: A fun detective show with a lovely cast
Donā€™t Watch This: For new ideas about crime television


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