I Watch Films: Confessions From A Holiday Camp


Confessions From A Holiday Camp

After the collapse of the Driving School, Sid Nogget and his brother-in-law Timmy Lea become staff at a holiday camp. They laze around, eyeing up women, occasionally shagging. Sid is the entertainments manager, and basically is doing nothing until a new camp owner – a former chief prison guard – takes over and insists they start doing some work. Sid’s big idea is a beauty contest.

As ever, Timmy Lea is accident prone, leading to him consistently annoying a big guy who throws him in the pool, and causing trouble for a small boy who cries. He also ends up streaking when he burns himself in the sauna, causing the new owner to start hunting for him; inevitably Lea loses his clothes again, including in the pool which has a big glass window into a bar. There’s a gay member of staff who camps around stereotypically, until he’s caught by the owner with four partially-dressed women Lea has hidden in his wardrobe; there’s one good double entendre on the word bent but otherwise it’s all very sad 1970s cliche.

They start finding it difficult to get entries for the beauty contest which then turns into a lot of the entrants shagging Lea to try and win. There’s a sub-plot about Sid’s wife entering against his wishes, which goes nowhere. The actual contest turns into a giant cream pie fight as it’s combined with a cake baking event (?). Like all these films, there are some half-decent comic sketches, some bad ones, some boobs and bums and a lot of dangling threads that don’t pay off.

Watch This: If you’ve seen the other three and want to make a full set, or maybe you haven’t seen the other three and are curious
Don’t Watch This: It’s a mediocre 1970s British sex-farce with all that implies


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