I Watch Films: Bloody New Year


Bloody New Year

Some youngsters at a funfair intervene when an American tourist is being spun too hard on the teacup ride. They’re chased by the bullies, who appear to run the ride, and eventually escape by boat. The boat sinks and they come ashore on an island, passing the danger signs and barbed wire to find an abandoned hotel, strangely decorated for Christmas (it’s July, I think they say).

They split up and look for towels, clothes to change into, someone to talk to, a working phone, the electrical circuit breaker box etc. It turns out it was trapped in time on New Year 1959/1960 as a helpful TV program no one watches tells us. Then weird things happen and they get attacked. Also the bullies turn up again.

There’s some good bits, in particular when they’re in the cinema and a character emerges from the film, and again when the wall comes to life. There’s some bits in the woods with shaking bushes, laughing voices and a camera running about between actors that goes on too long. It’s a little weird but perhaps over-explains the premise, which accentuates its silliness.

Watch This: For an entertaining horror adventure that makes the most of the eerie deserted places it inhabits (tourist attractions in Wales)
Don’t Watch This: Despite it’s effort to be date-related and the time-warp explanation it’s not really good even for New Year watching


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