Preview of The Siege of Observation Bay

Sunday 1st September will see the posting of the next in my Age of Sail Fantasy series The Siege of Observation Bay. This one connects closely with the previous one, On the Sea of Glass. As the sequence head towards the finale they'll all link together more, becoming more like chapters rather than individual stories. Sorry about that.


In popular imagination the Thousand Islands are a paradise of beaches and palm trees, the gentle natives living noble lives of ease and peace. Sadly for Will Fanshawe, chief factor to the islands for a combination of merchants, this is not the case. The iron tools and steel blades brought as trade goods have had to be turned to a more warlike use.

This is not a normal uprising or raid. The enemy are relentless, cunning and numerous. Perhaps worst of all they are not even alive. Who is behind this attack by the undead? And more pressing still, will anyone, local or Whitlander, survive or will they too be turned into a walking nightmare?

The Siege of Observation Bay is supported by my Patreon.


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