I Read Stories: The Gentry by Benjamin C Kinney

The Gentry
by Benjamin C Kinney in Kaleidotrope

“Manhattan and the Summer Land have a lot more in common than most people think…” Charles Pagano’s family used to own a diner where you could cross over to faerie, but they retired and he didn’t want to carry on so it got sold. Now a fairy chevalier who has been on a quest in the mortal world for seven years wants to get back and demands his help.

Charles knows what’s up and he’s immune to glamour, so he makes a very specific deal, one that gets complicated. And of course when you make a deal with a fairy, no matter how specific and detailed you make it to protect yourself, there will always be some risk attached.

Read This: Fairies never change, but they do take on the colouration of the times
Don’t Read This: Everyone should know better than to do a deal with a fairy



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