I Watch Films: Killer Fish


Killer Fish

After a spectacular heist at a Brazilian gem mine, the thieves hide the stones in a lake, planning to retrieve them after sixty days when the police will have stopped searching everyone who tries to leave the area. The mastermind, once an engineer at the mine, now retired due to medical concerns, relaxes with his girlfriend. The other thieves stay at the nearby hotel, but they all mistrust each other.

A fashion photography party arrive and one of the thieves starts flirting with the model. He’s clocked the photographer as gay, and he and the model have a conversation about that, leading to a cool if slightly awkward line when they are interrupted by the mastermind’s girlfriend about bisexuality being preferable to two-timing.

Where, you might wonder, are the killer fish? Well the lake where they hide the gems has had piranha introduced to it. It’s behind a dam, so they aren’t in the lower lake, until a storm breaks the dam, while the boat the photography party are in runs aground, after picking up some of the thieves after they all try and double cross each other. It’s a little complicated. Piranha probably don’t spread like that (the lower lake is huge) and the whole thing is a bit contrived and silly.

Watch This: A fun thriller about betrayal and being eaten by fish
Don’t Watch This: Everyone acts like an idiot and ignores the giant tank of piranha for the first half of the film


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