Liner Notes for Strandbridge House Accommodation Reviews

Liner notes for Strandbridge House Accommodation Reviews

This feels like a dumping ground for Strandbridge ideas but that’s not actually how it came about. It was always on the list, though also on the “pass if I get a better story” list, which obviously never happened. Because of that it was one of the last written. So I had used up most of my ideas in the other Strandbridge stories and had to come up with a lot of new ones here. What I didn’t manage was to come up with an actual overarching plot or something, it’s just a bunch of jokes.

It's a very clear example of designing a story by taking something mundane (if a bit weird, like accommodation reviews – I mean seriously, some of those are extremely odd) and something fantastic (lots of hauntings, folklore, cosmic horror etc) and then jamming them together to make something new and hopefully interesting.

Coming back to it for these notes I’m very aware of what this doesn’t do. It doesn’t introduce us to characters. Most of the reviews are from normal-ish people, who obliviously want to get on with their weekend break in Strandbridge. But it turns out that Britain’s most normal town™ isn’t co-operating. Yet what they’re really worried about is the towels. And that’s all it does, for a couple of dozen iterations.

So there’s the point, which I make fairly quickly, and after that it’s just a few fun things you might find if you AirB&B somewhere uncanny. And that’s enough to be going on with.


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