I Watch TV: Worzel Gummidge

Worzel Gummidge

They’re back, doubling the number of episodes to six. A good three years work there! But seriously, these are three charming tales of scarecrow related shenanigans. In Guy Forks, a fork handed Guy causes problems by trying to make the bonfire and fireworks extra large, leading to Worzel ending up on top of the bonfire. In Twitchers, some rare birds arrive, leading to some backstory about the farm and the farmer, and eventually some actual bird scaring despite the best attempts of the TV to stop Worzel. In Calliope Jane, a steam fair comes, and there’s some magic to do with Aunt Sally, Calliope Jane and the scarecrows; the use of lights, rides and music combining into an especially satisfying episode about truth and the past.

Is this good? Yes it is, some nice kid-friendly TV, with a few good jokes and occasional moments of brilliance. They bring in a serious (British TV) guest star for every episode which is good too, even if they don’t always get a lot to do.

Watch This: Some gentle, light-hearted  TV and there’s six episodes now, it’s worth getting invested
Don’t Watch This: Silly, bumbling, living scarecrows are just annoying


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