I Watch Movies: The Ape

The Ape

Dr Adrian (Boris Karloff) is working on a cure for the Paralysis (Polio?) in a small town and has finally found one, spinal fluid, which he’s testing on a girl in a wheelchair. Meanwhile a gorilla has escaped the circus and killed a man, giving him more spinal fluid that he extracts from the body.

Then the gorilla gets into his lab. He kills it, but it destroys his spinal fluid. So he dresses up in the gorilla skin and steals more by killing people. One of them is the guy who takes the Sheriff off his gorilla hunting duties to evict someone who can’t pay his rent, so he’s not all bad.

Watch This: For a short (just barely more than an hour) and silly monster film
Don’t Watch This: The film is constructed entirely from cliches, and the gorilla suit is really bad


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