I Watch Films: The Blood On Satan's Claw

The Blood On Satan’s Claw

On an 18th century farm, a weird body is uncovered by a plough, but vanishes before a visiting judge can see it. The nephew of the farm owner brings back his fiancée, who is generally disapproved of by aunt and judge and sent into a disused attic room; there she starts screaming, attacks people who try to get in and is eventually committed.

A group of local children discover a claw, the aunt vanishes, the nephew cuts off his own hand. The judge realises he’s out of his depth and goes to London to consult about witchcraft. He leaves behind the squire and the reverend. Led by the children, things spiral rapidly out of control as people are kidnapped and murdered, they start to grow patches of fur (there’s a fairly harrowing scene where one of these is cut off) and rituals in a ruined church move from orgy to rape/murder sacrifice.

As events spiral out of control accusations fly; one of the children claims the reverend molested her, another of them is almost drowned in an attempt to find out if she’s a witch. A violent supernatural historical folk horror film with scenes of paranoia.

Watch This: For some old-fashioned blood-and-nudity devil worship horror
Don’t Watch This: Witchhunting in the 18th century is not for you


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