I Watch Films: Knights Of The Zodiac


Knights Of The Zodiac

Selya takes part in a cage fight; at the end he releases a blue light. He doesn't know what this is, presumably never having played a fighting game, seen a superhero film or read relevant manga. People come for him. He meets with Kido (Sean Bean) who tells him that he has powers and that his (Kido’s) ex-wife Guraad (Famke Janssen) will be after him. And indeed they are so there is a chase sequence.

At Kido's secret base Selya meets Sienna. The backstory is revealed; Sienna is the reincarnation of Athena, and Selya is destined to be a warrior in her service, the Pegasus Knight, thanks to the pendant his kidnapped sister left him. This is all fueled by the power, the blue stuff he released in the fight, called Cosmo. Selya is sent to Marin the Eagle Knight on her mountain to be trained.

During the training montage Selya gets a vision of when his sister Patricia was kidnapped, and it was by Kido and Guraad. He returns to Kido’s secret base furious but is intercepted by Sienna. Sienna explains that she lost control of her powers when young and destroyed Guraad’s arms. Guraad’s replacement arms are powered by Cosmo, which is why they were actually looking for Selya, and when they found Patricia had no Cosmo they let her go, and she avoided Selya so he couldn’t be tracked.

Guraad attacks. She recruited Selya’s opponent in the cage fight (Cassio) and gave him magic armour; Selya is unable to get his Pegasus Armour to work so they kidnap Sienna. Selya and some of Kido’s sidekicks get together to rescue her, but Guraad has the Phoenix Knight on her side, for a spectacular final battle sequence.

This is based on a manga I haven’t read, so the weird use of Greek gods and “zodiac” I’ll put to the side. I assume it’s made for fans, so they’ll appreciate the “go to this iconic location and meet this beloved character and have this unforgettable event happen,” structure. Me, I just kind of went “oh, okay” at every new explanation.

Watch This: Energetic, occasionally interestingly mystifying fantasy adventure
Don’t Watch This: People are saying weird catchphrases and making incoherent explanations as though I’m supposed to know what’s going on


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