I Read Stories: Artichoke Heart by Michael Czyzniejewski


Artichoke Heart by Michael Czyzniejewski in -ette

Lola and our narrator are working at the Price Slasher, filling up the salad bar. Lola’s been away as her sister died, and since she’s been gone artichoke hearts are off the menu. This isn’t the first sibling Lola’s lost, all of them in unlikely accidents.

Our narrator hasn’t had a family member die but her father vanished. And then it turned out he didn’t exist, didn’t work at the auto plant like he said, there were no records of him.

This, of course, is just life. Lola doesn’t believe in fate or curses. But our narrator isn’t so sure.

Read This: For lightly looking at death and mystery
Don’t Read This: Even the story doesn’t take the ideas seriously


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