I Watch Films: Images


Images (1972)

Cathryn gets late night phone calls from a woman, claiming to be having an affair with her husband Hugh. When he returns and tries to reassure her, she sees another man in his place, then Hugh again.

Suffering from stress (possibly related to pregnancy) they go on holiday to a remote cabin in Ireland. Cathryn writes her children’s book, and takes pictures of the landscape and within the house to use for making illustrations.

Alone for periods Cathryn sees her dead lover Renee. Meanwhile it turns out the nearest neighbours are Marcel, another former lover of Cathryn, and Marcel’s young daughter Susannah. Cathryn finds it more and more difficult to determine who is Hugh, Renee or Marcel culminating in her shooting Renee which alarms Susannah outside the house. It turns out she’s shot Hugh’s camera.

As she goes out walking she meets a doppelganger, a second Cathryn. Confident that she is seeing things, when Marcel comes and starts to undress to have sex with her, she stabs him with a knife. Ignoring the bodies in her living room she continues, not wanting to admit how bad her hallucinations have got. Then Susannah comes around looking for her father.

Watch This: Creepy paranoid film about losing your mind and refusing to let anyone know about it
Don’t Watch This: Confused, confusing and a lot of bad choices


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