I Read Books: A Wizard Of Earthsea


A Wizard Of Earthsea

In Earthsea true names are the basis of magic. Ged, known as Sparrowhawk, comes into his powers, apprenticing with a local wizard, famous for quelling an earthquake. There he is tempted to read a forbidden book and try a forbidden spell.  He goes to a magic school where, through pride, he again attempts the forbidden spell that creates a shadow creature from Unbeing that wants to possess him.

The Archmage dies saving him, the new one has Ged finish his training. Ged decides to make his career as a wizard, going to some islands in the West Reach that are threatened by dragons. But trying to save someone’s life he crosses too far into the realm of death and meets the shadow at the wall dividing life from death. The dragon offers to bargain the name of the shadow, but he instead gets it to promise to leave the islanders alone.

It's a bildungsroman, a boy becoming a man. A boy becoming a wizard. And a good one. And the world-building is subtle but powerful. For example Ged’s father is a bronze smith, and it becomes clear that there is little-to-no iron smithing going on as they travel through Earthsea.

Read This: A classic fantasy that holds up in its own terms
Don’t Read This: It’s about an arrogant wizard with a chip on his shoulder trying to clean up his own mistakes


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