I Read Webcomics: Freaking Romance

Freaking Romance

This webtoon romance comic is a rollercoaster ride of feelings, family drama and cross-dimensional shenanigans. Thrown out by her father, Zylith rents an apartment in Sleepless City to work on her comic. It turns out it’s affordable because it’s haunted, and so she meets Zelan, who lives in the same apartment but in another dimension.

Both of them are terribly broken and are done with “Freaking Romance”. They’re also young and full of ironic pop-culture references and wacky fourth-wall breaking commentary on what’s going on. It keeps diving off into weird sub-plots and the last section is annoyingly full of fake outs and multiple author-voice deus ex machinae.

I enjoyed it a lot.

Read This: For a fun and very modern webcomic with all sorts of interesting things jammed in
Don’t Read This: For a coherent story that takes itself seriously


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