I Watch Films: Dad's Army

Dad’s Army
This is the 1971 film rather than the recast 2016 version.

Based on the classic British sitcom, this tells the story of the formation of the Walmington-on-Sea Home Guard platoon in 1940, as the inhabitants of the village who are mostly too old for active service, nevertheless want to protect the country. It treads a fine line between making fun of these incompetents, while also admiring their bravery and willingness to fight.

Mainwaring, the manager of the bank, refuses to cash a cheque from a stranger, who turns out to be the general placed in charge of the Home Guard of the district. When they go to a training camp they manage to destroy equipment, strand the general and his horse on a raft and basically make a giant mess of things. There are some improvised defensive weapons that don’t work as they should, obviously.

In the final sequence, a German plane is shot down and the crew take hostages in the church hall. While the general and the regulars dither, Mainwaring and the platoon save the day. [SPOILERS?]

Watch This: For some entertaining old men being soldiers fun
Don’t Watch This: Although the production quality is better (horse on raft, burning buildings, traction engine etc.) there’s nothing here that any of the good episodes don’t do as well


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