I Read Stories: Fools by Gina Chen

Fools by Gina Chen

Fan had her heart taken by a witch as part of another story, and afterwards she grew up on Ahma’s island. Other girls live there, all with magical powers, all outside the world until a story comes to find them.

With no heart Fan is sensible and also doesn’t bleed, so she guards the gate between the worlds. This is fine until a demon comes through, gets past her and talks to Ahma, who is his aunt and lets him stay for a visit, because he is looking for a bride.

The story takes its time to - not quite - get where we’re expecting, having some ideas about stories and the worlds they create that it needs to sketch out.

Read This: For a story of a girl without a heart who might still be a fool
Don’t Read This: If fantasy romance is not your thing.


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