I Watch TV; The X-Files (Season 11)

X-Files (Season 11)

The X-Files cannot end. Because it cannot end it will not give us answers. And because it will not give us answers, then it will never be ended. It will never be ended because it has no answers.

The X-Files has given us the answers. The world is full of dangerous weirdness and weird danger, and there are aliens who have been manipulating governments and technology, in order to make us slaves, and make us aliens and make us dead. And after controlling everything for the best part of a century they’re not coming because we have doomed the world ourselves.

Anyway, the monster of the week episodes were pretty good and we got an actual season ending, one that they don’t have to stupidly write their way out of if they make more, even if it wasn’t an ending. I liked the robot sushi joint, even if it was a bit heavy handed.

Watch This: More X-Files, with an occasional attempt to meditate on ageing and no longer being state of the art
Don’t Watch This: If you actually want an answer to anything


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