I Read Books: Kushiel's Dart


Kushiel’s Dart

Phedre lives in Terre D’Ange, a Fantasy France that was founded by Elua and rebel angels, and whose motto is “love as thou wilt”. Indentured to one of the thirteen houses of the Night Court, courtesans, she has a red mark in her eye, the titular Kushiel’s Dart. Kushiel, one of the angels, is the punisher, and she is an anguissette, one who finds pleasure in pain. This is noticed by Anafiel Delauney who takes her into his household and trains her as a spy.

Terre D’Ange is ruled by King Ganelorn; his heir is his young granddaughter Ysandre. An old man and a young woman; various nobles and distant royals are conspiring to try and gain control of the throne. Delauney trains his apprentices Phedre and Alcuin to gather information as they take on patrons for sexual encounters. His past is a mystery, as they piece it together they learn that he used to be the lover of Rolande, Ysandre’s father. Delauney has a flaw; he has to be seen and known, and the person he reveals himself to is Melisandre, a scion of Kushiel, one who finds pleasure in punishment. But Melisandre has plots too; that’s why she’s the best audience.

When Phedre uncovers too much Delauney and Alcuin are killed, and Phedre and her bodyguard Joscelin are kidnapped and sold into slavery in the Skaldic realms. A chief there has united the clans and intends to invade. Phedre must use all her skill at dissembling and all her sexual knowledge to survive and escape. But even that may not be enough, with Ysandre having so few who can be trusted. The straits across the channel are blocked, and the prince across the water who might bring aid is deposed.

This is a big fat fantasy book, filled with plotting and murder and sex. It’s the sex that stands out, but apart from that it’s a gloriously indulgent renaissance-inspired fantasy. D’Angelines indulge themselves in their appetites, whether for beauty, food, art, sex, conspiracy, war, murder – and also repentance and grief. Ichor flows in their veins, angel-stuff, making them able to create superb examples of whatever they wish, and also they’re good looking with it. A refreshing change at the time, dark but full of joy. Also some BDSM stuff, mostly in a good way.

Read This: Gorgeously imagined fantasy Europe heightened by D’Angeline grace and beauty
Don’t Read This: It’s just shagging, murder and plotting


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