I Read Stories: Across Bloody Skies by Jay Requard


Across Bloody Skies by Jay Requard in Swords And Sorcery

Pup has joined the Grinders, a mercenary company. She’s survived her first battle, the only pup to do so and now they’re travelling back, riding in a wagon. They think they’ve won, the veterans swapping tired, abbreviated stories. Then they’re attacked, the wagon train pushed off the mountain.

They’ve been fighting the Charvakas, cultists led by fanatical priests. They’ve stolen Shagra’s Conch. The Captain is injured, the Commander and the Lieutenant have gone into the forest after them. Wood, a senior Grinder, organises the survivors to follow them.

Pup must rise to the occasion. It’s one thing to stand in line with spear and shield, the others surrounding you in the line. Shed the blood and save the brothers. It’s another to follow into the heart of the enemies, and stand alone against them. They use illusions to multiply their numbers and Pup must learn to strike the right one.

Read This: Modern military meets hoplites versus illusion-using light infantry swords and sorcery action where a recruit must step up
Don’t Read This: Grunt's eye view of unexplained violence


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