Angel City


It's been 12 months since subscribers to my Patreon learned about the sights of Angel City. Now the tour is open to anyone, anyone who can cross the cursed earth to visit.


Welcome to the City Of Angels, greatest city in the world! What’s that you say ma’am? Only city in the world? And all the greater for it. Take a look out the window and see the sights.

This here is the road of stars. When they tumbled from the sky, striking the earth, devastating the works of man across the globe, Our Lady stood on the hill by the observatory and told them NO. Not here. Not in my city. And the angels turned them aside, and planted the stars here in the ground. No, we don’t get any closer. The blazing wrath of heaven has made the craters smooth as ice, if you go over the edge you’ll slide all the way down to perdition – or maybe worse!

Talking of ice, further up the hill you can see the Holy Wood. When the skies darkened from the fires that swept across every country of the world, the world froze and the ice giants marched. Here is where they rode their glaciers. In the mountains beyond you can see the scars where they tore through. Our Lady went out to speak to them and they sent one champion. The Angel Swordspite met him and cut him down in a handful of strokes. Do you see those spikes on the ridgeline? The ribcage, still lying there.

And here we come down to the dry lakes. The Devil came to the city – no need to worry, you can say his name. The Devil came and offered us prosperity, wealth, freedom from want. And Our Lady met with him. Their conversation is well known, I don’t need to re-iterate it here. But now you can see how she spoke and he responded.

There you can see the demon band, and if you listen closely you can hear their music. No, again, we had better not get any closer. It’s good music! Too good in fact.

In front of them the raised platform. Now I’ve got binoculars here and for a shiny nickel you can hire them. If you look you can make them out. The Devil in his fine suit. And The Queen Of Angels, dancing with him.


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