Illicit Beauty


Illicit Beauty

“The whole shipment?” Bart Solomon looked out at the packed warehouse in disbelief. Disappointment. Perhaps even despair.

“The whole shipment,” said Inspector Qualm. “It seems the smugglers packed it into many of the cases, and the inadequate sealing failed. Those at the top spilled downwards into other packages. And so…” She shrugged and spread her arms.

They watched as the men, longshoremen and safety-guards side-by-side, opened another crate. They stepped back despite the safety gear, the slick back rubber gloves, suit and glass face mask of the safety patrol in contrast with the rough orange overalls, helmet with tiny eyepieces and stained gloves of the cargo handler. There was something there, a haze, a blur. Breathing in Solomon could get just a whiff, of rich incense, sweet fruit, flowers just coming into bloom.

“We should go outside,” said Qualm from behind her goggles, holding a vinegar soaked cloth to her face.

Solomon turned and escorted her out of the warehouse door, onto the docks.

“They get bolder all the time,” said Qualm. “They bring it in from the continent by any means. They do not care if it might contaminate foodstuffs, or fuel, or clothing. Imagine if a child should come into contact!”

Solomon lifted his face, smelling the muddy salt of the estuary, feeling a prickle of dampness in the night air. “There is much desire for the essence. If people demand it, someone shall supply.”

“Fools. Addicts. No, worse, traitors.” It seemed Qualm was a true believer. “Beauty beguiles. It drives men and women mad with desire and jealousy. The charisma, the glamour, it allows those who are imbued with it to lead by force of will. See what happens on the continent, fools and madmen gaining followers engaged in ridiculous building projects, eccentric pilgrimages, and even flare ups of crusades!”

Solomon released the sachet, allowing the essence of beauty to pour over him, instantly making him extraordinary in looks, stature and manner. “This will be a grievous loss Inspector. Are you sure there’s nothing we can do to salvage some of the goods?”

Inspector Qualm looked him up and down, her eyes widening. “I suppose… I suppose we might be able to make an exception. For you.”


Illicit Beauty was first published for subscribers of my Patreon site 12 months ago.


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