I Watch Films: Carrie



Carrie White is unpopular and bullied at school; at home her fanatically Christian and unstable mother punishes her to keep her from sin. When Carrie has her period in the school changing rooms she doesn’t understand and the girls all bully her. The sports teacher notices and punishes them, taking Carrie under her wing. Her mother tells her menstruation comes from sin and locks her up.

One of the girls refuses to do the punishment and is barred from prom. Meanwhile Carrie discovers she has telekinetic powers. A girl gets her boyfriend to ask Carrie to the prom; she claims its because she’s remorseful for how she’s treated Carrie. Carrie’s mother says that the prom is sin but Carrie insists on going anyway.

Carrie’s bullies come up with a plan to humiliate her, rigging the king and queen of prom vote. On stage they pour pigs blood on her. Carrie’s telekinetic powers come to full effect and she massacres everyone in the hall, and the film heads to the final bloody tragic end.

Something of a classic, with bullying, humiliation and revenge in the pressure cooker of high school. Do they go to ridiculous, self-absorbed lengths to bully her? Yes, but on the other hand, telekinetic powers and a couple of striking, blood-soaked scenes.

Watch This: Classic gruesome school horror
Don’t Watch This: Carrie can’t catch a break


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