I Watch Films: Night Of The Creeps


Night Of The Creeps

In 1959 aliens drop something onto earth. That very night an axe-wielding maniac escapes. A new cop calls on a couple in a car to tell them to go home, but is distracted when the woman is his ex and the other a college man. The axe-wielding manaic kills the woman and something from the canister attacks the college man.

In 1986 there are two college room mates; Chris Romero is moping because he’s lost out in love. In an effort to impress Cynthia Cronenberg, he and J C Hooper try to join the Beta Epsilon fraternity. Thinking them losers they order them to steal a dead body from the medical facility and leave it outside a rival frat house. They sneak into the secret basement, discover a weird laboratory and a frozen body. It comes to life and they flee; it kills someone and vanishes.

Ray Cameron, once the new cop, now a detective gets the lab break in. His catch phrase is “thrill me.” He is inevitably world-wearily disappointed at every development. The corpse has made it’s way to the sorority house where he picked up his date in 1959, where Cynthia lives. There the head falls apart to release slugs; the detective when called thinks of this as an axe wound.

The slugs, of course, zombify people, and move slowly spreading while the characters try to figure out what’s going on and Cynthia and Chris start a romance. Inevitably when the frat house get on a bus to go to a formal dance they are all zombified and lay siege to the sorority house. All the sorority house scenes involve the college women hanging out in their underwear by the way. It’s exactly that kind of film.

Watch This: Ridiculous mind-control murder science fiction horror that occasionally allows itself to recognise exactly how dark the events are
Don’t Watch This: It’s space slugs, axe murderers, women in their bra and pants, and a flamethrower jammed awkwardly into a film


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