I Watch Films: The Boogie Man Will Get You


The Boogie Man Will Get You

Professor Billings (Boris Karloff) sells his old inn to Winnie, on condition that he be able to keep doing his experiments in the basement laboratory. These attempts to create superhumans for the war effort (the film is from 1942) have been going wrong and killing people. Various zany characters get involved including Peter Lorre as Dr Lorencz, the town doctor, mayor, notary, insurance agent, sheriff etc; a customer of the inn; Winnie’s ex-husband; a powder puff salesman; and a saboteur who is trying to blow up the local munitions plant and/or steal the professor’s secrets.

There are secret passages, silly voices, a broken stair that is surprisingly unfunny and one or two jokes that are pretty good. An actual B-movie, it moves swiftly, though it also ends rather abruptly.

Watch This: Some good jokes with a couple of classic horror actors getting to have fun
Don’t Watch This: Everyone has sitcom acceptance of nonsense brain


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