I Watch Films: Bright Hair


Bright Hair

Anne, a schoolgirl, stumbles into the scene of a murder. She starts to have blackouts and a change in personality. There are further murders.

A new teacher appears at the school. He helps turn Anne’s English around though there’s some weirdness. He’s a writer who was stabbed at his previous school.

Then the teacher’s wife is murdered, and there are strange things going on, revolving around Anne. The small town, domestic drama-verging on comedy stuff contrasts with the crime to create an odd dislocated feeling to the film. A bit over the top is the school show where Anne does a pitch-perfect impression of the Head, but the jokes are a bit near the knuckle for a school that seems to be at least 13-18, and maybe 11-18.

Watch This: Some interesting performances and although it signals the outlines of what’s going on the devil is in the details
Don’t Watch This: Sexual abuse, murder and mental illness are all used somewhat luridly


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